Friday, January 24, 2003

Nothing major to relate in the real world since yesterday. We were both shattered last night and after managing to get as far as 830 and the end of DIY SOS crashed out on the couch for an hour or so of quality sleep before waking up and deciding that really we might just as well go to bed. So we did.

Today's highs have been the purchase of the new issue of Edge with the full scoop on Jeff Minter's Unity project and the new WiLDHEARTS single. Otherwise just plugging away at some confusing timetables (I think I turned them from Mikespeak into English) and stuff like that.

In the unreal world, however, things have been much more thrilling. Yup, time for me to waffle on a bit more about recent dreams.

Had one the other night which was actually set in my current job rather than harking back to the Argos days. I was delivering timetables to Newmarket and got back from lunch to find the van missing. Stolen was the diagnosis. This was followed by a strange chase round a department store that certainly isn't in the real town and a drive around with a colleague who happened to be passing to see if we could spot the missing vehicle. Hadn't found it by the time the alarm went off though.

Last night proved stranger still. Featured some kind of sporting challenge event crossed with quasi-religious hysteria (in which I seemed to be the venerated figure) all set in the grounds of some big country house. The Queen was there to dish out prizes and there seemed to be a rather large amount of gratuitous nudity. I never did work out what the sporty part was meant to be - plenty of people were intraining for different events but I never got to see an actual contest. Odd.

Wonder what the psychologists would make of those.

Oooh, just had an email while I was writing that lot. Cunningly timed to after most of the office has gone home for the weekend thus meaning we will have the big discussions on Monday morning. Seems we will be going LIVE with the new database system on Monday. Wham and indeed Bam (not forgetting the Thank You, Mam). I forsee lots of things not working still and many people getting their knickers in a twist over the small details and forgetting the bigger picture. Especially as the person appointed to look after the system isn't starting until March time. Time I went home too I think.

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