Well bloody hell, Joan went to the Doctor yesterday and he signed her off again. Only for a week this time, but that's not really the point. I wonder when someone at Argos will get the message and sort the situation out? I had the fun job of letting her area manager know but once again got no answer so left a message. Wonder if he will actually call back. I wish I could wave a magic wand of some sort to solve all her problems I really do. Its the same old reasons - Marion just doesn't do stuff leaving it all to Joan and Matt follows Marion's lead. Not a good situation to be stuck in.
Drives me up the wall but I don't know what else I can do.
Anyway, been a busy few days. Sunday we had a good expedition up to ASDA to shop for a change. I wonder what that says about us that we can spend all day wandering round DIY, Electrical and Food shops and enjoy it. Must be getting old finally. It was worth the extra driving over a normal supermarket trip though as we got stacks of bargains!
Monday I was in London for an ATCO meeting. Much better turn-out than the last one in Norwich. Not quite as interesting though as it was more presentations than discussion. Now all I have to do is get the minutes written up without my notebook wandering off. Worst part of the day was definitely the train travel (which is annoying as I usually enjoy letting someone else do the driving). On the way in we were sat with Barry the rail officer who filled the trip with his usual inane banter and "fascinating" facts about the world we were passing. Not too bad, but irritating. On the way home the heating wasn't working and I felt quite ill by the time we reached Ipswich. So much that I was a dead loss for the rest of the night, not really tahwing out until we went to bed.
Yesterday was another day in the office with nothing to commend it, but today did at least start off differently. Coca Cola are launching a new brand of water and were doing some promotional give-aways up at London Road Park & Ride. They had led me to expect a reasonable amount of action, branded vans, girls in short skirts etc but all we got was a chap and a lass in fleeces giving bottles away. Oh well, it was something unusual if not spectacular.
Bookwise have now started Big Chief Elizabeth by Giles Milton which relates the very early colonial attempts at America. Fascinating stuff and very well written again.