Gave in to temptation earlier and had my first hot Bacon & Sausage roll from Alberts since before the tooth work started today. Absolutely wonderful and a bit nice too. Made up for the annoyances on the way in this morning. We had a bit of a clear out from the loft on Sunday which resulted in me sticking out for the dustmen this morning: 10 black sacks, a couple of old suitcases (full), some old boxes of junk, a mysterious short ladder found up there and our old headboard which for some reason we had kept - all of which took a while to pile up. Then driving along I managed to turn off the A14 and was halfway along the Nacton Road before I realised it, so had to divert back to the A14 to get to Park & Ride. All of which meant I missed the bus I was aiming for and arrived later than planned. Worries me a bit that. I know I'm awake when I'm driving but I quite often find myself at a place without remembering the stretch of road since I last noticed it. I must have been paying attention because I've never ploughed into another car or wound up dead in a ditch, but it is a tad scary.
Oh well, here now and all the management for the whole division, never mind just the group, are out on some away day brainstorm session so at least it is peaceful here and we can get on with stuff.
Yesterday was another Library P&R plugging day. Woodbridge this time. A bit busier than Aldeburgh but still not really worth sending two of us out for the day. Still, another nice lunch on expenses. Monday just the usual desk work stuff. Nothing startling.
Still not feeling particularly enthralled by much of this at the moment and would rather be somewhere else. Although possibly not at Argos with Joan - they have finally started on the re-fit the shop has been needing for a good five years so things area bit chaotic there to say the least. Still, at least she will be getting her own office out of it for the cash stuff so with any luck her life will be much better.
I guess it must just be the approach of winter - had to get the big coat out for the first time today, clocks go back on Saturday night, half term next week. Stuff like that really. I dunno. I'm sure I'll be over it in a few days.