Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Well, I am absolutely bloody knackered. 778 boxes of books were delivered here on Thursday and I have now shifted over 400 of them to their final destinations. Been to all four corners of Suffolk and beyond. Thursday afternoon we blatted around Ipswich.

Friday was all around the coastal area. Saturday central and north west. Monday north (and in to Norfolk) and today I have mopped up the south. OK, so there are still a few holes to plug but basically all the major outlets are now done and people can get hold of the things. I've also finally got the hang of big vans I think. So now I just want to go home and sleep for a couple of days. So that will be nice to do on Friday before I hit the dentist. Well, not literally hit him. Unless he causes me pain of course.

Sunday was a nice relaxing day. After a lazy start we went down to the Cemetary with flowers and stuff to meet Helen etc as Monday would have been Ernie's 83rd birthday. Not much in the way of tears which I think can only be a good thing.

Then we met up with Jacqui who I used to work with at Argos in Newmarket and is now running Ipswich and her husband David for a wander along the sea front, lunch, ice creams and a turn around the market before going back to ours for a cup of tea. Very pleasant way to spend the afternoon and something we ought to do more often. And the weather was still glorious enough for me to cut the grass after they had gone too.

Joan had her first meeting with the woman from Cruse yesterday and it seems to have gone pretty well. She is seeing her again next week so hopefully this will be the start of a proper healing process for her. I know after all the trauma of last year it will be good for her to get back on an even keel again. And having been through a lot of the same effects and symptoms (but from completely different causes) I do have a lot of sympathy for her. I just wish there was something more I could do to help.

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