Thursday, September 04, 2003

Strewth but it is hot in here today. Which is nice, don't get me wrong, as things have been a bit chilly over the last couple of days, but nonetheless I could wish for a bit of temperature consistency... Anyway, here's another "squabble" from the weekend I meant to put in before but forgot.

Neighbours over the road came home from holiday and Steve from next door was parked outside their house. Now, it should be noted that there was still room on their side of the road for them to park up complete with trailer tent and only be perhaps 3 extra metres between the car and front door than if they had been directly outside their own abode. And of course we live in a road that has no parking restrictions whatsoever - no lines, no spaces marked, no permits required or anything of that ilk so anyone is perfectly at liberty under the law to leave their car wherever they like so long as it is done in a safe manner. Me, I would have grinned wryly and walked a bit further with the suitcases - done it often enough in the past with shopping before we got the driveway. If we had a real load of stuff I might have politely asked Steve if he'd mind moving up a bit. What did mr over the road do? Sat in the car hooting the horn for about five minutes before going to hammer on Steve's door. And when he did finally come out he proceeded to shout and swear at him for the whole time he was moving. What a harmonious neighbourhood we occupy. It was so nice and quite while they were away. Oh well, only 1 more day until we make our escape.

Work has been one frantic rush since Monday trying to finalise Park & Ride reports and get everything else in a state I can leave it in while I am gone. I think I am just about there now barring any further emergencies. All that remains is a quick trawl through my in-tray to see if anything is outstanding and tidying the desk so if anyone does need anything they might be able to find it. Then if I canmanage to get away at a reasonable time tonight and tomorrow I will be one happy holidymaker.

All the thinking about the upcoming trip has got my mind full of images from previous holidays I have been on - random snatches like:

Riding on a steam train on the North Norfolk Railway when I was about 7.

Being scared out of my mind on a (very) small rollercoaster in Denmark in 1980.

Hearing the new Police album blaring out of a cabin on a ferry to Holland.

The first realisation that the Dutch eat their chips with mayonaise then trying the same and liking it.

Nearly breaking our necks on the treacherous, rain-soaked cobbles of Clovelley.

Sweltering in the heat in Paris in 1999.

Absolutely loving the enormous rollercoasters in Canada two years ago.

And many more besides. I think when time permits I'll have a reflection or two at length on past excursions so watch this space. Perhaps something for the grim winter evenings that are slowly creeping up on us.

Right, better get back to the desk location project. Not sure if I will have time to post tomorrow so next entry probably when we get back from the alps. Woohoo.

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