Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Well, I did say I was feeling ill!

Ended up having the rest of last week off work not feeling very good at all. Tuesday was definitely the worst - couldn't stay vertical for more than a few minutes without feeling dizzy. Not a good day and lucky Joan was off to take care of me.

Weds I managed to stagger downstairs for most of the day (and give the Cube some use) and on Thursday I did actually manage to get out with Joan for some fresh air. Friday I saw Dr P and got a note to cover me for whatever strange viral infection it was.

Saturday was another day of recovery and music (and Dad's birthday) then on Sunday it was Ma & Pa's pre-Christmas party. That was a good afternoon in the main with people we only see once a year but as the flu thing had left me feeling very down I also spent a fair chunk of it trying to escape people - not the best way to go to a party but I got through.

This week it has been back to work with lots of catching up to do. Hence taking until now to write on here. There have been a few highlights - lunchtime meeting yesterday as the first follow-up to our business plan day and some town centre roadside but mostly just going through the mail.

Tonight we are taking Helen & Bhupen round to the White Horse for a meal to celebrate their 20th Wedding Anniversary. Should be nice.

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