Someone is a bit upset about recent cuts to bus services and has plastered our bus station and other town centre stops with a range of stickers like this one. So now I am going to have to pay our cleaners extra to remove them all, further biting into the revenue budget that could have been used for services... I must say the perpetrator has put a lot of time and effort into producing the different stickers, but they are in many ways aimed at the wrong person. The role of the chief exec is to implement the policies set by the elected councillors after all...
Aw, thats a shame. Applaude the 'get up n go' attitude, and need to express their anger, but what a shame they ultimately missed a trick. A nice big 'Con-Dem' pic would surely have been more appropriate (and attracted more sympathy too).
Short sighted not to spot that their campaign would ultimately fall to someone to clean up\sort out.
I've just Googled Andrea Hill : she's not a very pleasant person is she? I think when you're taking £218,000 out of the public purse you have to be squeaky clean. She is not. If she's axing services then it's up to the general public to either support her actions, or, if not, demonstrate accordingly. Unfortunately, you've been caught in the crossfire.
we have much the same here.... people pulling in 250K a year over the Civic Centre, but having to close the library, kids clubs and just about anything else becuae they can't afford it. Hmmm
It's all fun and games in local government these days.
I should knwo in June whether I have a job for the next two years or not. At that point we are due to be divested so anything could happen.
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