Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Classic games of the past then. On the speccy it was pretty much anything by Ultimate, but especially Lunar Jetman, Attic Attack and Knight Lore. All of them defining or even inventing a new style of gameplay, as well as being phenomenally addictive with the right level of simplicity to start with and growing difficulty as you progress. I still dig them out on the PC emulator from time to time, but they aren't quite as much fun without the rubber keyboard. There were also a couple of really good 'uns put out by Durrell - especially Saboteur and Critical Mass.

Don't know if it was the timing co-inciding with harder exams, or the price of games being over twice that for the spectrum, but never really got that many for the Atari. And the ones we played most were shareware or freebies. Particular top of the heap (and again still a regular PC retro-blast) was Llamatron. Think Robotron but with furry beasties instead. And even better, Mr Yak is back in the real world again rather than off working on consoles that never get anywhere so check him out >>>>. And then I moved on to the current PC a few years ago as I needed compatability for work. Again, haven't exactly invested much but do enjoy some older titles and free stuff. Mainly of the highly compelling Tetris variety which I just can't stop once I get started, but I tend to use it more for "serious" stuff rather than srtict entertainment. Have actually let my brother buy more than I have myself! Will go away and think about consoles now. Back later.

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