Friday, June 04, 2004

What I didn't mention yesterday was finishing One Hit Wonderland over the weekend. Very entertaining and also true (well, I guess there may have been some embellishing for the sake of a good tale, but it certainly has a ring of authenticity). The only downer was that I have not been able to hear the songs as yet - I could BUY a cd of them from Mr Hawks' web site but that seems a bit excessive. I am now about two thirds through the penultimate Melanie Rawn book The Dragon Token and the plot is heating up somewhat.

The tragic news was of course that after Joan's course last night we ended up at the Beagle for dinner. A real blow that was... Decided we needed a few bits of shopping, called in to Tesco next to Park & RIde, thought we might eat dinner there, changed our minds after seeing what they had on offer and that was that really. Well, we were only 5 minutes away and it would have been rude not to really.

So tonight we have the first eviction from this year's Big Brother. It has proved to be quite good so far - lots of personality in the house (and of the house itself given how they have chopped down the size, only given them one bedroom etc) with plenty of arguements and so forth already. And Kitten on three formal warnings within a week. Splendid stuff.

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