Thursday, August 29, 2002

Feeling a bit apathetic today. Not sure why, probably the continued talk in the office about who will be doing what in the new order and me feeling disgruntled by it again. Plus neither of us thought to buy a paper yesterday so no jobs to look through. Oh, and feeling tired too which never helps. Perhaps I should sneak over to our store room for a snooze later on. If it wasn't so dirty and smelly over there I would give that serious consideration.

Am also feeling very annoyed as some bugger has scratched the car already. From the size and position it has to be deliberate vandalism too rather than from an accidental nudge. Will have to get some paint filling stuff as they've gone pretty deep and it looks to be more than a polish job.

Have decided not to go and see Chris bloke again as I just don't feel fully comfortable with him. Now all I need to do is phone him and tell him that, which I don't feel all that comfortable with either. I just think I'd rather find my own way around things at the moment and maybe get someone again on a more physical relaxy basis in the future. Plus while I thought that I'd be fine with it, I didn't feel OK with having a bloke rubbing me.

I got the driving role this morning so the Maiden campaign has been put on hold for a day. We had the Springsteen instead. Really is a top album that grows on me every listen. As Joan was late home from work yesterday due to staff training I took the opportunity for a spin of the Gorillaz album to go with my dinner. Only listened to it once before and had forgotten how dang good it is. And not really like anything else I play on a regular basis.

Not been out in the fresh air today. Just can't be bothered to go outside really even though the sun is shining. I would probably end up spending money as well so should hold off until tomorrow when pay day comes around. Only another month until we get our pay rise now too. Unless the union cops another strop of course. I hope they don't as I have plans for the back pay!

Oh well, back to work for now.

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