Thursday, May 16, 2002

Now we have the hottest day of the year so far, I am of course back at work rather than enjoying the sun. I have managed to get out of the office twice though, which doesn't do much to compensate, but is a start.

Tuesday we did Ipswich. Lots of rummaging in the cheap shops and purchasing of cushion and duvet covers to go back to Canada. I do recall seing such products over there at what I thought were reasonable prices, so I'm not sure of the logic. I think perhaps Sheila is stuck in a timewarp taste-wise from when she went over the Atlantic. All I ended up with was a pair of trousers that I took back today as despite claiming to be the same size as all my others, I could only just do them up and certainly couldn't breathe. Hey ho. Then in the evening we went down the seafront to let her play on the fruit machines. Shopping and gambling, what a life! Joan and I tried out a rollercoaster simulator they've just got in. Quite fun, but actually leaves you more queasy than the real thing I think. Probably due to staring at a screen and not getting the actual rush of air.

Yesterday we went to Woodbridge again. Got some trousers that do fit! Also had a very nice lunch at the Bull. Need to go there more often! In the evening they tried the Bingo here in Ipswich (winnings = zero) so I called in to see m'poorly colleague Gary. Watched The Parole Officer, which was a hugely funny film. And I can't normally stand Steve Coogan either. Perhaps it was the character - not quite so naff as some of his others. It won't be an essential purchase, but if I ever see the DVD cheap I will probably grab a copy.

Finished The Shelters of Stone this morning with breakfast. Absolutely top book. Hope the next one doesn't take another 12 years, especially as there are several loose ends dangling now. Pretty much all the other 4 could have been the end of the series fairly satisfactorily but this one definitely needs more. I'm also looking forward to reading it again without being quite so desperate to find out what happens next, but able to savour each bit. Next up will be a non-fiction for sure, but have a stack of magazines to get through first.

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